This prestigious Bi-Annual event is heavily attended by the most prominent Cat families in all of Alveridgea. Hotels are booked years in advanced, traffic is diverted away from the waterfront board-walk and docks as cars make way for Candy-floss tents, hot-dog stands and mobile spray-tan and peroxide clinics. These are Pet Paintings of a Feline spectacular. What is not common knowledge is that Cats do not like sailing, they would rather be seen to be seen and spectating well away from the wet action.
The Port Alveridge cup has been won and displayed in the office of AK Ruddegan the cannery mogul for the past twelve years running as it is AK who owns the whole fleet of competitors and who employs the best Seahound sailors to crew the yacht he skippers to victory.
$1,750.00 – $18,500.00